

International Youth Peace Workshop Tanzania 2010, Day 4

Friday, January 30, 2010- Just as the days before, the participants gathered all together for a short time of meditation and a recap of the day before, before they split up in the two different groups. For the Youth, the day’s topic was Peace. The topic of the first session was already practical, thinking about ways to create Peace: “Building Bridges of Trust”. The participants found out more about skills and their capacities for peace building during a Treasure Hunt around the compounds.
After the game, the youth discovered that only if they have Peace in themselves, they can transform the world around them. They discussed the different ways how this might be possible with each other and shared their experiences.
The session in the afternoon was called “Getting inspired on what we can do”. The youth split in small groups and designed posters with their ideas about how to make their contributions to their societies.

The Youth Leaders first session caught up with yesterday’s topic about their role as leaders: “Youth in action: How to facilitate the work of our youth groups: what to do and how?” They shared their experiences as Youth Leaders and how their groups work in their home countries, and they also got new ideas on how to organize their groups and what activities to do.
Going further, they learned more about how to spread the message of Peace in their communities and how to promote GNRC’s work in their country. The afternoon session was also about the spreading of the message of GNRC and how to do it: “Networking and Partnering”. The Youth Leaders learned more about networks, discovered the networks they have already built, learned what they can achieve through networks and how to make them work.

After the afternoon session, both groups got together again to exchange share about what happened in the different groups and to find out which seeds they have sown out so far and how they can continue to sow these seeds in future and keep them growing. In a time journey they imagined together how they want the Youth Groups Network to look in the coming years.

Before dinner, all participants gathered together for the official closing ceremony of the 2010 International Youth Workshop. After the dinner, the ceremony continued with presentations from all participants, sharing traditional dances, songs and food of their countries.

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